چسبی نسبتا ضخیم، منعطف و شفاف است که به علت داشتن سیلیکون به همراه ایجاد فشار و دارا بودن خاصیت الاستیسیته، مشابه با پوست بوده و به از بین بردن و محو کردن جای زخم بخیه و سوختگی روی پوست، کمک میکند. همچنین مانع از ایجاد گوشت اضافه یا اسکار در فاز بازسازی میشود. مزیت استفاده از این نوع چسب، در تماس سیلیکون با پوست بدن است که به بهبود سریعتر زخم منتج خواهد شد.
mammopatch Abdopatch Pastilles-Medipatch Pastilles-Medipatch_plein-1 gant_gelZ_ouvert Finger-sleeve Clear-sheet Sleeve
MEDICAL Z® is specialized in burn scar management in Europe and in the U.S.. MEDICAL Z® is a leader in the manufacturing of products used to treat hypertrophic and keloid scarring. MEDICAL Z® has developed a product line combining effectiveness along with patient-friendly use. Various studies have shown the effectiveness of polymers to prevent the formation of scars. Medigel Z® is a combination of triblock co-polymer and an H1 Class mineral oil. Originally devised for the treatment of scars for burn victims, Medigel Z® now has a wider range of usage for surgeries that include aesthetics, orthopedic and podiatry. Utilizing the same technology used for Medigel Z®, the Medipatch Gel Z® was introduced. One of the advantages is selfadhesiveness for repetitive applications. Once Medigel Z® is applied to scars, it is maintained with compression with compression garments or adhesive bands. Elastic, gel-lined sleeves for upper and lower extremities are available. Gel-lined fi nger sleeves and gloves for the hand are perfect for those diffi cult-to-cover areas. Medical Z® also offers our press lift and sternal strap lined with Medigel Z®. دریافت کاتالوگ